Golden Shine Plus Terms & Conditions

1. The customer has to pay monthly instalment of 3000 or more in multiples of 1000 for 10 consecutive months. The benefit of the said Investment Plan will be available in the in month after completion of 10 instalments.

2. While depositing instalment every month, 22 carat pure gold of the instalment amount will be booked as per prevailing rate of gold.

3. In this Investment plan the customer can buy 22 carat pure gold.

4. Customer will get the Golden Shine Plus Receipt on Mail.

5. On the maturity of the Investment plan, 50% discount will be given on the making charges, only on the accumulated gold booked by the customer over 10 months.

6. At the time of purchase on maturity, GST and the making charges for the accumulated gold and the additional gold purchased will be calculated as per the prevailing market rates.

7. KYC – at the time of enrolment the following documents are to be submitted by the customer: Aadhar Card, PAN card, government identity card, address proof
and his/her bank passbook.

8. This Investment plan is available only at selected Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd. Stores. No additional charges on the instalment payments done through Debit Card/Credit Card/UPI/Online. You can also deposit the instalment through the QR Code printed on the receipt.

9. The prevailing gold price on the day of deposit in the said instalment or on the next working day will be considered.

10. The monthly instalment must be paid for 10 consecutive months on or before the defined payment date. If any instalment is not paid on time, the overall Investment plan benefit may differ for missed days.

11. It will be mandatory to deposit the instalment amount every month. In case of nonpayment of instalments within the specified period or there is a delay, the amount of benefit will be reduced by 5% for every 30 days of delay.

12. If the Investment plan is closed after 6 consecutive months of instalments and the instalments are deposited on time without any delay, 20% discount on the making will be available.

13. There will be no additional benefit if the Investment plan closed before 6 months.

14. The amount paid under the Golden Shine Plus will not be refunded under any circumstances.

15. At the time of purchase at maturity, customer has to present his/her identity card. The instalment paid by the customers cannot be transferred in the name of another person for any reason

16. At maturity of the Investment plan the purchase invoice will be in the same name in which the customer has enrolled in the Investment plan.

17. After enroll the Investment Plan online through our website and app, there is no need for passbook and receipt at the time of purchase. After maturity purchase available for Chandukaka Saraf Branch’s.

18. The customer will be required to make a purchase equal to or more than the sum of the total deposited value under the Investment plan.

19. If the customer does not make the purchase after the maturity of the Investment plan, the account will be closed on the 360th day from the day of activation and the amount will be credited to the customer’s bank without any benefit.

20. All the terms & conditions under this Investment plan will be applicable to the customer. At the time of purchase on the Investment plan’s maturity, if any additional government tax is applicable, the said tax amount will have to be paid by the customer.

21. Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd. reserves all rights to discontinue the Investment plan and modify the above rules without prior notice.

22. All grievances are under Baramati Court Jurisdiction only.